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I believe that we need to eat a somewhat healthy diet in order to be able to think properly. If you are able to think properly then you can be a more effective witness. You can also retain more of the Word. With a strong mind, you are better able to utilize what of God's Word you know.

The first thing I want to put in these "ramblings," is a joke from a 1930's joke book. I hope "they" don't mind if I stick it here. I include it to show you, that, things haven't changed much. And to show that you also have to take everything you read or hear, with "a grain of salt", (Including some of the things on this web site!). It is always good to study up on things. Don't believe everything you read or hear. What works for me might not work for you anyway. It takes some "trial and error" to figure things out sometimes. God can teach us loads of things about health and nutrition and how our bodies work. God made us as individuals. Each person's body works slightly differently than the next person's.

METHUSELAH AND SANITATION There's no telling how long Methuselah might have lived if he had had his appendix, teeth and tonsils out, used the right brand of toothpaste and eaten the proper breakfast food, according to modern ads.

If you want to read about Methuselah, you have to read the Biblical book of Genesis. He is said to be the longest living person in history. Genesis 5:27 "And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died". Methuselah lived 969 years. That is a long time by today's standards.


Animal fats are not necessarily "bad" for you. Soy is not fit for Humans or Animals. These are some of the facts I have learned from the websites on this page.

I hope you are able to enjoy the information contained here. It has been a fun learning experience putting this page together.

Real Milk, and dairy products are not pasteurized or homogenized. This is the healthiest way to drink milk. It is believed that processing causes a lot of lactose intolerance. It is not necessarily the milk's fault that it makes you sick. Anyway, God created the cow in such a way, that ideally it would not pass along disease to it's young via milk. Raw milk has antibacterial properties. If the milk comes from a clean dairy, and the milk is handled properly, there is no need to pasteurize it. How many of us had grandparents and maybe even parents, who drank raw milk on a regular basis? I know many people who drank raw milk and ate raw dairy products. I know people now who still have raw milk available. I know of no one who ever got sick from this milk. That does not mean it NEVER happens. I think getting sick from milk, would be a rare occurrence if they were to keep clean dairies with disease free cows. One reason, milk is pasteurized, is so that people in the chain of milk production do not have to keep their facilities as clean. Also the food producers want to have foods with a long shelf life. At least that is how I understand it from my reading. I was reading today, how that unpasteurized milk goes "sour" and pasteurized milk goes "bad". There is a difference. I have some old books with "household hints" in them. One thing they say to do with milk that is not quite right, is to add baking soda to it. That will sweeten it. Each book has it's own formula. I would not dare do that to milk I buy in the store. When that milk has a "funky" smell, you don't dare drink it. It reminds me of what my grandfather said about "store bought" buttermilk. He said it tasted nothing like the buttermilk he had from the farm. Now I know why. His buttermilk was allowed to naturally ferment. It is very healthful giving the gut natural bacteria that is necessary for digesting food. Now to make buttermilk, they use a process that is more "controlled". I dream of drinking "real" buttermilk some day. Raw milk is legal in some European countries. Why can't we have it here? It is regulated and inspected in England. Why not here?

Beware of "Cold Pasteurization" that is another name for the "irradiation" of food!!

The Slow Foods Movement is also something that is popular in Europe. The whole concept reminds me of the wonderful family dinners I have had over the years. My grandmother Penn would cook for two days knowing we would be coming. Of course she was urged to serve us something simple, on our arival, like sandwiches. Then my grandmother Bitner would have family gatherings at her house. There were always dishes of various types. My aunt and cousin would bring something new and maybe a little exotic. My Granny and Papaw would always have the traditional fare. With all the wonderful food it is surprising we did not end up very fat. I did not begin to put on weight until I moved away. One meal my Granny was known for, was "beans and cornbread". This was a term for simple home cooking. Beans and/or cornbread were not necessarily served at this meal. Granny would invite someone over for "dinner", the noon meal, and add the disclaimer, "All we're having is beans and cornbread". If you want to learn more about "beans and cornbread" type of food, please see the recipe page on this website.

I personally do not believe that God would give us a food that is unhealthy. I know that because of "sin" we no longer have the good genes and bodies that Adam and Eve had. There are changes in the food chain, since Adam's time, which can make us sick. Though, I do not see how the foods of our recent ancestors, could suddenly make us sick. How could a food be healthy for humans one minute, and the next minute it is "deadly"? I know there are ways this can happen. But I am wondering how it can happen, without there being poisoning of the food some how, lack of ideal growing conditions, or deliberate tampering? I know that we humans lack a lot of minerals in the diet due to poor soil conditions and the overuse of comercial fertalizers. But if a food has not changed much in 100 years (for the most part) how can it suddenly become "deadly"?

When all we had were animal fats, heart disease was not the epidemic it is today. No one saw animal fats as unhealthy. In fact, food was viewed almost the opposite the way we view food today. About one hundred years ago, sick people were encouraged to eat things like weakened hot chocolate, because of the high fat content. The hot chocolate was something that would be sweet, therefore it might taste good to someone without much appetite. The milk and high fat of the cocoa were seen as nutritious. Another recommended dish was a bland version of egg custard. It was very important in those days, to keep "invilids" from loosing so much weight. The sick person had to, "keep their health up".

I do not understand how something like animal fats could suddenly become unhealthy over the course of about one hundred years. Man started making imitation animal fats, like margarine and hydrogenated vegetable oils, not all that long ago. And then suddenly these "imitation" fats became "healthier" than animal fats. People ate animal fats for centuries. But according to what I have learned, it was not until "we" started abandoning those animal fats for the vegetable fats, that "we" developed the "epidemic" of heart disease. I wish someone could explain it to me so that I could understand. Why is it that suddenly the man made product is healthier than the food that God gave us? Why wouldn't it have made "us" sick and then more sick, over time? I know God would have originally created it so that "we" would not get sick from the animal fats at all. If animal fats make "us" sick, that would mean it would have gotten corrupted some how. Wouldn't that have taken some time? I don't know. It seems to me that "man" is always trying to do a better job than God. I have an "old" scientific book about foods. ("The Story of Man and His Food" by C. C. Furnas and S.M. Furnas1937 and 1942.) It talks about margarine and the development of it. They say something about how some day they will develop a margarine that is much better than butter. They had not arrived at that when the book was written. The authors of the book were writing as if "man" was going to make a product that could be, "just as" or "more" nutritious than butter. It would have all the health benefits of butter without all the negative aspects. Of course I know of no major negative aspects to butter except pasteurization. But then again, I am no scientist, what would I know.

I am beginning to "feel" from my readings, that heart disease is a fairly recent "epidemic". Before this, we had all sorts of infectious diseases that were more apt to kill us. We cleaned up and adopted good sanitation practices. (see the page titled, "Interesting Threads of Thought" for more on this.) That was the biggest factor in eradicating those infectious diseases. (I saw a documentary on the History Channel about the polio epidemic. They said that early on the scientists were wondering how it became such an epidemic so quickly. They blamed our sanitary conditions. "Our" (people of the U.S.) immune systems were weakened because we did not battle all the "ordinary" minor infections we experienced in "unsanitary" times. You see, polio was a common "germ" long before the epidemic of the 20th century.)

Eventually we started moving from farms to cities. We needed cheap foods with a longer shelf life. We stopped eating the foods of the farm. People had to eat like "city people". From what I have seen, people who came from "poorer" backgrounds have always wanted to eat like people who were "better off". Country food was considered "beneath" the city person I guess. Emigrants also had to eat the foods of their adopted country. They ate the city food too. So they abandoned their traditional foods.

That is not always a good thing. I found a photograph of Prince Charles on a newspaper web site. He was grinning a large grin. You could see how crooked his teeth were. His whole life, he has had available the best food in the world, yet it is obvious that he did not always get proper nutrition. It is not always good to eat the foods of rich people. One thing that you hear about, the rich people of history, is that sometimes they suffered from stomach ailments or digestive troubles. Napoleon had very good chefs. He must have eaten "well". According to an ad. for mayonnaise that I heard on radio once, after the battle of Mayon the chef invented a sauce in celebration of winning the battle. The chef called the sauce "mayonnaise". The portraits of Napoleon that I remember from history class, show him with his hand on his stomach. Apparently he suffered from some sort of gastric complaint. (Actually, "mayonnaise" was invented after the battle of Port Mahon on Minorca. It was made by the chef of Duke Richelieu. It was originally spelled, "mahonnaise".)

One of the things "we" did, was go from eating animal fats to vegetable fats. As the death from infectious diseases dropped, the rates of death from heart disease increased. The Native Americans have stopped eating the diets of their ancestors. Now they have an epidemic of "type two" or "adult onset" diabetes. I was reading an article on the Weston A. Price Foundation website. I was learning about the traditional Native American diet. It was vastly different from our modern western diet. No wonder they get "type two" diabetes!! I guess I will quit this part of the rant now before I write myself into trouble. You can read more on this "theme" via the Recipe page.

It always seems like I get so hungry writing E-mails and such. I get so busy I forget to eat is what it is. So as I write along, the "conversation" naturally gravitates to food. This page has been particularly fun since it is one of my "pet" subjects.

I am going to have to finish this soon. There is a murder mystery on later. We get the CBC out of Canada, our neighbor's to the north. They have a television program on Monday nights from French Canada. It is about a police psychologist. It is a very "edge of your seat" type of program. It has subtitles so if you look away you miss some dialogue. I don't know French.

Actually, I keep adding to this page. I keep finding these "neat-oh" web sites to add on here. I still watch that murder mystery program. It is very good. I doubt it would ever be available on "American" TV. If they ever do an "American" version of it, it won't be "near as good".

There is more to this "rant" on the recipe page. I may also have a whole page of "ranting", where I tell the story of how I came to know about all of this. It is a very personal page, and I am being very careful with the information that I stick on this web site. Which means, I am not 100% sure at this point that that page will make the "final cut". As it looks now, August 28, 2002 it will be on here. Just look for, "A Story From Robyn's Journey Through Life". See you later. Robyn

Here are some articles dealing with healthy foods and other health items of interest. This is from the BBC News web site. Children's diets in the UK were "healthier" in the 1950's.

Another article from the BBC that tells about how in the U.K. they are warning parents against "milk free" diets in children.

This is an article written by Dr. Mary Enig on a web site of "California Oils Corporation". It is about which oils are healthy.

Coconut Info. Com page with articles by Dr. Mary Enig.

An interview with Dr. Mary Enig. Paswater/index.aspDr.
Stephen Byrnes "Power Health" web site.

Don't know if I stuck this on here already It is from the UK food industry. Institute for Food Research.
I think I put this one above in the "soy" section. But it is really good, if it still works when you are looking at it.

This one is a list of very good soy links.

Healthy Foods and Such:

As you can tell this is a pet subject of mine. If things seem convoluted here or there, don't worry. There is a madness to my method. Don't for a minute think that Douglas or I believe 100% of everything on these websites. That just ain't available!! I make no guarantees about the information on these sites. I am on a mailing list dealing with short-wave, listening. As someone on the list reminds us, "Your mileage may vary".

I hope all of these links are still working when I actually get this up on the net. They work as I am writing this in the Spring and Summer of 2002. If they don't work for you, use a search engine such as "Google" ( to try to find the article or website that way. "Google" has a "cache" that stores old articles and such; you might find it there. I would not let me (Robyn) know about the glitches, as I might not be able to "fix" anything once I get this stuck on the web. That is, UNLESS you can also help me fix the problem/s. Then by all means, let me know what is not working. I am learning to do this as I go along.

Good nutrition, not the "junk" that is normally promoted.

I have listed here the best websites dealing with good nutrition. This is information that you most likely won't hear on television or radio. That is, unless you have a short-wave radio, or listen to Internet radio.

I got my "start" in this "branch" of the nutrition "interest" when I heard, Dr. Mary Enig on the radio program, Radio Free America.

For supplements and health information get the free catalogue from Carotec at . This catalogue is very informative. So much so, that people use it in home schooling.

For general nutrition go to the Weston A. Price Foundation at This is nutrition information that "Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats".

Healthy Traditions Network is the Detroit Chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. You can find your local chapter by visiting the website listed above this one.

This is the web site for the Price- Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. Of course this is very good information also.Here we have the Transfat info. website. This is Dr. Mary Enig's website. This is an excellent source of information about healthy fats. Yes! Fat can be good for you!!

Speaking of fats, did you know that it is not necessarily, "cholesterol" that causes heart disease? You can learn more about the "Cholesterol Myths" here. Cholesterol, is what the body produces when it is trying to repair itself. It is best to figure out what is causing the body to repair itself in the first place---RATHER than just try to lower the cholesterol. If you are just lowering cholesterol, then you are treating a symptom and not the disease. I have always thought it was best to treat the disease and not just the symptoms. It does not seem a good idea to me, to take cholesterol, lowering drugs and not get rid of the reason the body is producing cholesterol. The cause for the problem is still there.

The Health Benefits of Real Milk

The Why's and How's of Real Milk

Another good website dealing with the benefits of Raw Milk.

This is a great website if you want to learn about health and such. They have some informative articles about Pasteur and his rival Antoine Bechamp. The main website is called, Sumeria. This is a link to their health section. The history of Pasteur and Bechamp is crucial to understanding WHY they Pasteurize milk today. You can also learn, "Why PETA's Sucks". I am not sure I believe 100% of everything on this website. It is food for thought though.

In the U.K., and some other European countries, it is legal to sell unpasteurised (with an "S") milk. Hopefully these articles will still work. If not, go to "google" ( type in "unpasteurised milk" (with an "S" and not a "Z"). That is how I found these. Or you can look up the organizations and do a search on their websites.

This one is from the U.K.'s Soil Association is their organic farming and foods website. It should be pretty good.

Here are two articles from the Food Standards Agency. This is an agency of the British government.

Here is one article about the traditional British "pinta" or "pint of" milk. In this article, you can learn about the British, "Unpasteurised Milk Producers' Association". I could not find a website for them. Their head is, campaigner Sir Julian Rose. It is from Sustain the alliance for better food and farming. website.

This article is from the BFA, Biological Farmers of Australia Ltd. winter_milkunpasturised.htm

Soy Not Fit for Animals or Humans

There is a big debate on the Internet in the "Alternative Medicine" field. The debate is over "Soy". I happen to believe that soy is good for industrial purposes. They make good plastic out of it. But I really don't like to eat it. This comes from my own experience of eating soy. As a vegan teenager, I ate the beans cooked in pressure cookers. I ate many a "beans and tortilla" meal. I still "crave" the taste of a good fried tofu and mayo sandwich. (Of course a fried egg sandwich is much better for me and takes care of that craving!!) As a baby I was fed the "dreaded" soy formula. I had no choice in either case. You eat what is available. Looking back, I can see that I had difficulty eating soy. When I "got grown" and I ate tofu as a treat item-I finally woke up and realized that I cannot eat soy. And it dawned on me why I had some of the difficulties I had as a child. For instance, soy is known to be difficult to digest. It is the most flatulence-causing bean in the world. I was fed soy formula because I had a cow's milk allergy. I was adopted, so breastfeeding was not an option. My mother describes me as a baby, as not wanting to be held. I cried and cried all the time. She could not hold me, and it got so bad they had to prop the bottle up and allow me to feed that way. Could I have had terrible gas from the soy? Only God knows the answer to that. But the soy could have been one reason why I cried and did not want to be held.

I am sort of anti-vegetarianism / veganism also. The pro-soy, vegetarian / vegan people, believe that the Soy Online Service and the Weston A. Price Foundation have an agenda. It is as if they believe that these groups are in league with milk producers and cattle raisers.

Where I seem to run across information about a "conspiracy" coming from the "soy" industry. The vegetarian / vegan community seem to see a "conspiracy" coming from the cattle / milk industry.

Of course you can tell that my opinion of soy is "slanted" a certain way. But there is "scientific" evidence that helped my opinion "slant" in the direction it went. The web sites below are where I get my "soy ammunition".

You can get the "Soy Report" from Carotec, at

All you ever want to know about soy is from a website in New Zealand. Soy Online Service.

Two articles about soy from the Weston A. Price Foundation website.

Here is an article about how Soy is the "Sacred Cow" It is from Apple-A-Day Service Group. In the article, you learn the "pros." and "cons." about soy so you can make up your own mind. It is a really good article!!

The Truth About Soy can be found here,

Here is a list of various links with all sorts of informaion about the dangers of soy.

Other Sites of Interest

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Inc. This is a very interesting website. It is really for doctors, but anyone can learn things here.

Here is yet another excellent and interesting website. The Oregon Institute for Science and Medicine.

If you are interested in learning about the dreaded "C" word, cancer, then here is a good web site by Dr. Moss. He seems to be "pro-soy", but the things on his web site seem interesting none the less. I heard about him on a radio program but I did not hear the program clearly, because I had the computer on. What intrigued me, was the fact that in the early 1980's he wrote a book about "The Cancer Industry". It is a very scary subject. The drug companies, and the "cancer industry" want a monopoly on treatments. It is not a good thing at all. You can read what the "other half" believes about Dr. Moss by reading a review of his books at You can read Dr. Moss' book yourself at If you want to learn more about the books go to

If you are interested in Farming go to Acres U.S.A. I think it may be good for gardeners also. It is definitely good for consumers who want to learn what is going on with our food supply.

I heard this seed company advertised over the radio. It looks like a good company. Have not done business with them yet. (May 2002)

I have seen ads for a company "Seeds of Change" in British magazines. They sell organic seeds, and organic processed foods. I found a few websites for them on "google". This company seems like a very commercial, growing company. Just because the products are "organic" that does not make them 100% good. An, organic ketchup for example, may seem better. But if it has the same amount of sugar and has had all the nutrients processed out of it, is it really "better"? This one may be the company's main web site. asp?infoitem_id=22This one is their main site as far as buying things. If you go to you automatically get jumped to so you can see the different products they offer around the world, here are some of their other web sites. I don't know if they have any other ones. This is the British one. Here is their website for Australia. This one is for Denmark.

The Organic Consumers Association

Another interesting farming web site, is Agriculture Network Information Center at web site is also interesting.

The Community Food Security Coalition which is at

Here is a website of the British (U.K.) Government. It is similar to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is their Food Standards Agency. This is a very informative site even though it is "mainstream". Don't know if they are as influenced by food companies, as our FDA is influenced by drug and food companies. I know they are heavily influenced by the European Union. I just learned about "E numbers". Each food additive used in the European Union (E.U.) gets a number. You can look up "E numbers" on this site and learn more about different ones. Just type in "E numbers" in quotes into their search engine. Now remember, there are different laws between the E.U./ U.K. and the U.S. We allow some things they don't and they allow some items we don't. The amounts of a substance found in our food maybe different too. Douglas and I are very wary of foods that require a PHD in chemistry in order to read the ingredients label on a food package. It is not that we don't trust "chemicals" in the foods; table salt is "sodium chloride", it is just that we like to know what we are eating. If we can't pronounce it then odds are we won't know what the item is.

Don't know about this website. It seems ok, but needs a closer inspection. Institute for Health Freedom.

The National Health Federation seems to be in the same vein as the one above. They "work to protect individuals right to choose to consume healthy food, take supplements and use alternative therapies without government restrictions". I can agree with that! (To a point.) I think people ought to be allowed to make informed choices about their health care!!

In Europe there is the "Slow Foods Movement". It started in Italy as a way to simply "enjoy" food. A large part of the concept is the act of taking time and enjoying a meal. Enjoying food is a novel concept for some people. They are too busy watching the fat contents, calories and cholesterol of each bite they eat. I say, "If you don't enjoy it, why eat it"! I grew up in a "culture" where a meal could take a while. When I lived with my grandparents, even the noon meal of "leftovers" or "beans and cornbread" type foods, was not really a "fast" meal. The only reason we were "hurried along" by my grandmother, was because I had to be back to high school on time. This concept might not be 100% healthy according to the websites at the top. They do stress eating real food, which is cooked, not microwaved. "Slow Foods" seems like a good idea to me. The whole concept of the enjoyment of preparing the food, and then having a nice meal with friends or family is very good. I wish we could slow the whole world down so that everyone could enjoy their food more often. Eating a meal together is a Godly principle from the Bible. I have learned a lot of great things from conversations I have had while eating. They have done studies and eating one meal together on a regular basis is good for families and kids.

Not only is there a, "Campaign for Real Milk"; and a "Campaign for Real Ale";
there is now a "Campaign for Real Food".

Here are two good web sites for "people of size". The first one is, National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance I am not sure if I agree 100% with it. It is a starting point for resources. The NAAFA web site also gives people something to think about. This next one seems to have some good resources. I saw some good clothing companies. I even saw an ad for a lingerie (seat cover) shop. This web site had a page with a list of good books to read on this subject. Size Wise I think of "fat acceptance" like this, "What do I do until I loose the weight?". And then, "What if I never lose weight?". "My size does not necessarily make me 'unhealthy'"! "Why are you, Mr. Business Owner, trying so hard to get rich off my ability or inability to loose weight"? "I can be "healthy" and "beautiful" no matter what size I am"!! "I have to accept myself, whether or not I loose weight. I have to love myself now. I can work at losing weight if I so choose. I have to be positive 'in the mean time'. I can't wait until I get thin to love myself. I might not ever make it to 'when I get thin'".

Now here is an example of the interesting things I run across as far as British foods. I get a magazine called, Country Living. (The British Edition) They always have a food section where they give recipes. Then, they also go to a part of the U.K. and tell about the foods and attractions there. In the last few months they have been doing a series called, "The A-Z of British Food". (That would be pronounced "Aye to Zed".) In the March 2002 issue, they show "sheep's milk". There is a company that sells milk from sheep in Herefordshire. Eskley Sheep Milk. It looks yummy in the magazine photo even though it is pasteurized! (I also found out about the "Campaign for Real Food" in Country Living also.)

The End?

This should cover it for now. Of course I will always find more websites that can go on here. But once I get this website all stuck on the web, I won't know how to add anything new to it. I have added here the basics to get you started. If you want to learn about other "pet" health subjects of mine, (such as, what seems to be a, "soy conspiracy") please E-mail me and I will try to steer you in those directions. (If I can remember what I was thinking of when I wrote about the "soy conspiracy".)

See the "Favorite Links" page for clickable links and "how to" info. dealing with the sites cited on this page. Thanks!